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Through-hole LED Diodes
1.8mm LEDs
3mm LEDs
4.8mm LEDs, XL angle
5mm InGan (White, Blue, Pure Green) LEDs
5mm GaAlInP (Red, Yellow) LEDs
5mm 100mA 0.5W LEDs
X-types: Cheap LEDs
Throwie Pack & Accessories
8mm LEDs
10mm LEDs
Blinking LEDs
Oval LEDs
Flat Top LEDs
Other LED Diodes
High Flux Piranha led lamps 0.2W
Power LEDs 1W, 3W, 5W, 10W, 20W
IR LEDs and IR Receiver Module
LED Products
LED Strips
LED Accessories
LED holders

Leading-LEDs.com is your source for quality manufactured LEDs made by the Hebei company of China. These LEDs are RoHS certified and can be ordered in multiple colors, sizes, wattages and even in strip, infrared and RGB style.

Our company started its relationship with Hebei when we were looking for a quality source of LEDs to use in the manufacture of medical devices. We liked their product and quality so much, we decided to become a distributor and formed Leading-LEDs.com.

We are confident that you will be happy with the quality and product as well. Please explore the various categories of LEDs and accessories on the left. You can make your purchases through our online store and we accept all major credit cards.

If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Leading-LEDs.com, LLC • 103 Smith Street • Fryeburg, ME 04037 • (877) 810-6233